Hillary Clinton Biography (Politician)

Hillary Clinton Biography, Career, Facts, Family, Net Worth & More
Personal Information About Hillary Clinton
Name:- Hillary Diane Rodham
Nick Name:- Hillary, Hill, HRod, Mrs, Clinton
D.O.B:- 26th October 1947
National Side:- America
Place of Birth:- Chicago, Illinois, United States
Zodiac sign:-:- Scorpio
Religion:- Methodist
Height:- 5feet 4 inches
Marital Status:- Married
Profession:- Politician
  1. Maine East High School (1964)
  2. Maine South High School (1964-1965)
  3. Wellesley College (1965-1969)
  4. Yale Law School (1969-1971)
  5. Yale University
Hillary Clinton Family Info
Father Name:- Hugh E. Rodham
Mother Name:- Dorothy Howell Rodham
Brother Name:- Anthony Rodham, Hugh Rodham
Sister Name:- Not Know
Children:- Chelsea Clinton
Hillary Clinton Husband Name:- Bill Clinton (Former President of U.S)
Hillary Clinton’s Net Worth:- $32 Million As Of August 2016

Synopsis Of Hillary Clinton

Here in this post, you will read about Hillary Clinton’s Biography, Facts, Career, Family, and Net Worth. Hillary Clinton is an American lawyer and political figure who served as the 67th U.S Secretary of the country from 2009 to 2013. Hillary was also the nominee of the Democratic Party for the President of the U.S in the 2016 election, she lost to her Republic opponent Donald Trump. Hillary married former United States President Bill Clinton, Hillary served as the First Lady of the U.s during the presidency of her husband from the year of 1993 to 2001.

Hillary was determined and ambitious from a young age. Hillary qualified as a lawyer from Yale Law School and started a successful legal career before venturing into politics. Hillary began developing her own political career and she was sworn in as a United State senator in 2001, January. Hillary was easily re-elected to a second term. In 2015 Hillary formally announced her candidacy for the post of presidency in the election of 2016 and was formally nominated at the 2016 Democratic National Convention. After a polarizing campaign against Donald Trump’s GOP Candidate, Hillary Clinton was defeated in the general election of 2016.

Hillary Clinton Early life, Childhood, and Education

Hillary Diane Rodham was born on 26th October 1947, in Chicago, Illinois, the United States, she was growing up in Park Ridge, Hillary Clinton was the eldest daughter of his parents, his father Hugh Rodham a prosperous fabric store owner, and her mother name is Dorothy Emma Howell Rodham, she has two younger brothers, Hugh Jr. and Anthony. Hillary Clinton graduated from Maine South School in 1965, and is a National Merit Finalist, her parents wanted her to have an independent career, not limited by gender brassiness.

Hillary enrolled in 1965 at Wellesley College, majoring in political science. During Hillary’s college years, she was energetic and active in student politics and was selected as the president of the Wellesley Young Republican. Hillary’s political standing changed during the decade of the 1960s. Hillary was observed as someone having a conservative mind with a liberal heart. Hillary was elected as the President 1968 Wellesley College Government Association and worked on the post with full conviction.

In 1969, Hillary graduated from college with a BA degree with departmental honors in political science, Hillary took up different odd jobs before getting herself a seat at the Yale Law School. Hillary was selected to work with the United States Senator Walter Mondale’s sub-committee on migrant workers in 1970. Hillary interned in Oakland, California, with the law firm of Treuhaft, Walker, and Burnstein, she was working on child custody and some other cases.

In 1973, Hillary Clinton was awarded a Juris Doctor degree from Yale. Thereafter she started her one-year postgraduate courses with studies in children and also medicine at the Yale Child Study Center. This was while pursuing Hillary’s postgraduate studies that she served as the staff attorney for the Children’s Defense Fund.

Hillary’s Marriage to Bill Clinton

On 11 October 1975, Hillary married Bill Clinton, at their home in Fayetteville. The couple got their first baby, their daughter’s name is Chelsea Victoria and she was born on 27th February 1980. Hillary worked on Jimmy Carter’s successful campaign in 1976 for president while her husband Bill Clinton was elected attorney general. At the age of 32, Bill Clinton was elected governor in 1978 and lost reelection in 1980, but he came back to win in 1982, 1984, 1986, and 1990.

In 1977, Hillary joined the Rose Law Firm in Little Rock and was appointed part-time chairman of the Legal Service Corporation by President Jimmy Carter. As the first lady of the state for many years, she chaired the Arkansas Educational Standards Committee and co-founded the Arkansas Advocates for the Children and families. Hillary also served on the boards of Wal-Mart and TCBY. In 1988 and 1991, the National Law Journal name Hillary Clinton one of the 100 most powerful lawyers in America.

Hillary Clinton Early Legal Career

In 1974, Hillary was appointed as a member of the impeachment inquiry staff in Washington, advising the House Committee on the Judiciary during the scandal of Watergate. The work of the committee directed to the resignation of President Richard Nixon. Hillary took the teaching of criminal law in 1974 at the University of Arkansas. After two years Hillary shifted to the state capital of Arkansas after her husband Bill Clinton was selected as the Arkansas Attorney General.

Hillary Clinton in 1974 took up employment with the Rose Law Firm, specializing in patent infringement and intellectual property law. Hillary Clinton even worked pro bono in child advocacy. In the same year, Hillary co-founded the Arkansas Advocates for the Children and families.

Hillary’s tremendous political capabilities provide her an appointment as the chief of the board of directors of the Legal Service Corporation in 1978 by Jimmy Carter. She retains the chair until 1980. Hillary Clinton enhanced the funding for the Corporation more than 3 times, from $90 million to $ 300 million, additionally Hillary was the first woman to serve the position.

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In 1979, with the appointment of Bill Clinton as the Governor of Arkansas, Hillary became the First Lady of Arkansas, a status which she held for 12 years, from the years of 979 to 1981 and 1981 to 19922. Hillary Clinton was selected to chair the Rural Health Advisory Committee and was given the mission of providing medical facilities in the poorest zones.

Hillary took the control of the Arkansas Educational Standards committee in 1983, during her tenure, Hillary worked to get better the educational standards and made teacher testing mandatory. Moreover, Hillary set standards for curriculum and classroom size.

From 1982 to 1988 for six years, Hillary Clinton chaired a commanding position in the New World Foundation. Between 1987 and 1991, Hillary served as one of the board of directors of the American Bar Association’s Commission on women in the Profession, struggling and fighting against gender biases. Hillary also served on the boards of the TCBY and Wal-Mart.

Hillary Clinton as the First Lady

Hillary Clinton joined her husband in a successful campaign in 1992 for a seat in the Presidential elections as a democratic candidate. Hillary undertook a valuable part in the elections and was a crucial element in the victory of Bill Clinton.

In 1993 with the appointment of Bill Clinton as the President of the U.S, Hillary became the First Lady of the U.S. Hillary was the first Lady to hold a degree of Postgraduate and the first to have an office in the West Wing in addition to the First Lady office in the East wing.

Hillary played an energetic and active part in public policies and she was often claimed to be the co-president. Hillary picked almost 11 people for the topmost positions and many others at lower levels.

Hillary as a first lady was appointed in 1993 to head the Task Force on National Reform. Popularly known as the Clinton Health care plan, Hillary aimed at making employers give health coverage to their employees. In September 1994 due to lack o support led to the abandoning of the plan.

It was the failure plan of Clinton health care that acted conversely and went to the downfall of the popularity of the Democrats and the eventual growth of the Republicans in both House and Senate elections. Following this, Hillary’s role in policy matters was decreased.

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Hillary came up with the Children’s Health Insurance Program in 1997, which helped and supported children to gain health coverage through state support. Moreover, she promoted immunization, compulsory mammograms for females to check the disease of breast cancer, and funded research on prostate cancer and also childhood asthma.

Hillary Clinton commenced the initiation of different acts including, the Adoption and Safe Families Act and the Foster Care Independence Act. Hillary made an office on Violence Against Women at the Department of Justice and hosted many conferences.

Hillary Clinton as the First Lady visited 79 countries, including Pakistan and India to amend their relations with the United States, during the trip, Hillary envisioned the pitiable status of women which forced her eventual career in diplomacy.

Hillary along with Bill Clinton was invested in the Whitewater real estate project, this project, Morgan Guaranty Savings, and Loan was unsuccessful and failed, costing the federal government $73 million. Later Whitewater real estate became the subject of congressional hearings and an independent counsel investigation.

In 1998, the White House was engulfed in the sex scandal of Monica Lewinsky. Though Hillary publically supported her Husband Bill Clinton, but reportedly considered leaving her marriage. Bill Clinton was impeached, but the United States Senate failed to conflict him and he remained in office.

Hillary Clinton’s Political Career

Hillary contested for the United State Senate seat from New York eventually winning the same by a big margin and was sworn in on 3 rd January 2001. With this victory, she became the first wife of a president to seek, succeed and win national office and the first woman to be elected to the United States Senate from New York. In November 2006, she easily won re-election.

During her post terms, Hillary strongly supported military action and operations in Afghanistan, reworking the security of the country following the 9/11 attacks, she was obtaining funds for supporting recovery attempts or efforts in New York.

Hillary 2007 hinted about her attention to contesting the post of president in the presidential elections of 2008, thus Hillary becoming the first woman to be nominated by a major party. Hillary lost the election to Barack Obama, but she was appointed as the Secretary of the State of America.

Hillary Clinton as the Secretary of the State continued to raise her voice for the rights of women and also human rights. Furthermore, Hillary outstandingly and prominently advocated United State military intervention in Libya and was at the forefront of the United State response to Arab Springs. Hillary Clinton was one of the most traveled secretaries in the country. Hillary relinquished the position on 1 st February 2013.

Hillary Clinton and the 2016 Presidential Campaign

Clinton formally announced her candidacy in April 2015 for the presidency in the 2016 elections. Here Hillary faced a very strong challenge from democratic socialist Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont but appeared to be formally nominated at the year of 2016 Democratic National Convention in July 2016.

Donald Trump of the Republican Party for the post of the presidential chair, Hillary held a strong lead in national polls over Donald Trump throughout most of 2016.

During her campaigns based her economic philosophy on inclusive capitalism and she supported the United States Export-Import Bank. She is also called for a United States constitutional amendment that would outcome or result in overturning the 2010 Citizens United decision.

Hillary supported the right to same-sex marriage and also equal pay for equal work. Hillary focused on the issues of family in her campaigns and she was fully in favor of universal preschool and also the Affordable Care Act.

With the many controversies surrounding her opponent Donald Trump, it seemed for a while that she might win the presidential election, but she lost the presidential election to Donald Trump.

Hillary Clinton as the Mother-in-Law and Grandmother

Hillary Clinton’s daughter Chelsea married former Golden Sachs investment banker and presently hedge fund manager Marc Mezvinksy in 2010. On 26 September 2014, Hillary Clinton became a first-time grandmother when Chelsea gave birth to Charlotte Clinton Mezvinsky. On 18 June 2016, Chelsea gave birth to her second child name Aidan Clinton Mezvinsky.

Hillary Clinton Awards and Achievements

Hillary has been the proud recipient of so many awards, achievements, and medals for her brilliant and outstanding contributions as a politician and also in the field of law. Hillary was reckoned in every part that she took up, Hillary was also been conferred with many honorary degrees from different universities across the globe.

Hillary Clinton’s Net Worth

The most recent estimates of Hillary Clinton’s net worth put her wealth between $30 million and $50 million. Hillary’s disclosure to the Federal Election commission shows that she is worth $31 million. According to Forbes estimates the combined worth of Hillary Clinton and her husband former president Bill Clinton is $45 million.

Top 10 Facts about Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton was once a Republican, 1964 during the presidential elections, she worked on Republican nominee Barry Goldwater’s campaign. Hillary switched sides and campaigned in 1968 for Democratic presidential nominee Eugene McCarthy. But both of them lost.
Hillary wanted to be an astronaut and even she wrote to NASA regarding pursuing her dream to join NASA. But NASA relied back on saying that they didn’t accept women.
Hillary wanted to be an astronaut and even she wrote to NASA regarding pursuing her dream to join NASA. But NASA relied back on saying that they didn’t accept women.
Hillary Clinton is a winner of a Grammy Award. In 1997 she won the award for the Best Spoken Word Album for the audio recording of her book “It Takes A Village.
Apart from being the former First Lady, she has many other “First” to her name. Hillary is the First Lady to have a degree of postgraduate and to be elected to the national office. Moreover, Hillary Clinton is also the first lady to be subpoenaed and fingerprinted by the FBI.
Hillary is the most traveled Secretary of the State. During Hillary’s 4 years tenure, she visited almost 112 states and she spent roughly a quarter of her terms time in the air.
Hillary has the unique distinction of being both senator and also the First Lady for 20 days. Hillary held both these positions from 1 st January 2001 to 20 January 2001. On 20 January 2001, Bill Clinton left the White House.
Hillary Clinton was a member of the presidential impeachment inquiry staff in 1974 during the Watergate scandal, and later that year President Nixon resigned.
Hillary Clinton several times out-earned her husband Bill Clinton, when he was the governor of Arkansas, at that time period Hillary was working as a lawyer at a private firm.
She has quite a capacity to drink, during a tour of Estonia in 2004, once she out-drank John McCain, when both of them were senators. In the game of shots of Vodka Clinton beat McCain by a margin of four.
Hillary had a habit of talking to dead people. Bob Woodward famous journalist mentioned in his book “The Choice” that while in the White House, when Hillary chatted with former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt and the Indian Leader Mahatma Gandhi.


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